In the “Gala” interview with Annika Lau, which will be broadcast on RTL on Saturday, Verona Pooth does not hold back with revelations about her sex life. In her relationship, however, one rule applies above all: “It all has to be real love,” the 56-year-old explained.
“No price for a long-term marriage”
For Pooth, this essentially means: “I don’t want to get a prize for being married for many years, but I want to love my husband, find him attractive and have a good life with him.”
That’s why she has already told Franjo in no uncertain terms: “If I wake up one morning and I’m no longer in love with you, then I’m gone,” the TV icon smiled in the interview. She is honest: she doesn’t want to give “my only life” to someone she is no longer happy with.
But of course it is also normal for the initial butterflies in the stomach to fade in a relationship as long as the one she has with her husband. But then there is “a completely different attraction”.
Sometimes sex in the elevator
At the beginning of the relationship, things seem to have been pretty hot between the two, Pooth hints. “When you’re newly in love, there are butterflies in your stomach, you only think about someone, you spend hours writing their name on pieces of paper with a ballpoint pen. The attraction is of course enormous. You don’t skip the elevator … Everything else too.”
Even after 25 years, the sex life is still important, Pooth admitted. But she doesn’t think much of erotic “tricks”. “I’m also glad and happy that I don’t need any tricks or have to read books about them. I’m not a fan of saying that this or that looks particularly erotic. I have to satisfy him, he has to like me and if he doesn’t, then I can’t change that.”